Toy Story 3 is said to evoke a strong emotive response in many viewers. For what purpose, if any?
Toy Story 3, a modern tale of political upheaval, is visually compelling and emotionally exhausting. Viewers may wonder why they were elicited to feel so strongly about a group of toys and whether it was for a specific reason. At the end of the film, a judicial decision is reached regarding a character with intense political aspirations.
Toy Story 3 is a movie with a message, and that message is, "Treat your toys nicely, because they are secretly alive." Yes, indeed. Secretly alive. Perhaps it is beneficial to regard inanimate objects as capable of experiencing human emotions such as love, or sadness, or suffering. Toy Story 3 asks us to do this in a way that is emotionally compelling on a level that I find physically disturbing. Toy Story 3 sadistically toys with your emotions as if it requires it, organically, in the manner that parasitic aliens on Star Trek chemically induced primitive, warlike rage in the members of the crew of the Starship Enterprise so that they could feed off the stress energy released through physical exhertion.
Perhaps the most important lesson of all that we must take from Toy Story 3 is that every action we partake in releases a heat-chemical reaction that slowly tips the balance of the universe towards an increase in degradation due to entropy. Where is all this heat energy going, you might ask? Certainly, it is released into the environment and atmosphere within the vicinity of the expiring organism. A supplementary question you might ask is where is all this heat energy coming from? Clearly, a certain percent of this energy comes from the release of chemical potential energy stored within the cellular constituents of food particles. Certainly, another percent of this energy comes from solar radiation. And finally, another percent of this energy comes from the heat released from the center of the Earth. I further propose that it is certain that another percent of this energy is composed of an intersection of more than one of the aforementioned energy sources, since solar energy is stored cellularly within plants and would thus compose of a combination of energy from the Sun and energy from the Earth. Thus the sum amount of energy stored within a closed constituent such as an individual organism would draw from simultaneous sources. Thus it would be inappropriate to assume that the Earth is a closed system with respect to any potential energy equations designed to compute the rate of entropy of the known universe.
In short, you might consider that each physical action you engage in somehow draws from the energy of a dying star. I hesitate to propose that the sun is dying, because immediately, it is not, and it would not be appropriate to view the sun as dying for a very long time. The period of time that it would take to wait until the time that it would be appropriate to say, "The sun is dying," is so unimaginably great in magnitude that it would be easy to say we shouldn't worry about it because it is so incomprehensibly far in the future. But in my considerations I have come to consider that all things die, suns and stars also. As such, it is worthwhile to consider now that someday the sun will indeed die, in the manner that stars, and all known physical beings, expire also.
As organisms upon this earth, we necessarily draw from the energy of the Sun. As such, every action executed upon the Earth draws from the energy of a fusion reaction that will not last forever.